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+34 942 47 00 87
Pol. Ind. La Pesquera 6-7
39770 Laredo




BOREAL ARTIK, with an address at Pol. Ind. la Pesquera, 6-7, 39770 Laredo (Cantabria), may be contacted about any issues related to this website or its services, by calling 942 47 00 87 and/or email to: francina@borealartik.com. The domain borealartik.com is owned by Boreal Artik.


The website borealartik.com you are currently visiting is an interactive space created by Boreal Artik to provide further information on its products and services. Like all websites we have terms and conditions of use and a privacy policy. We want to provide an ingenious, fun complement to promote our products and services without any direct selling of products on this site.


This website is the property of Boreal Artik. All brands, domain names and other intellectual property rights are the property of Boreal Artik so that none of the website content may be assigned, copied, reproduced, published, loaded, sent, transmitted, distributed or exploited in any way, except to use the Website and its content in accordance with the Website’s intended purpose. Strictly private downloads and copies may be made without making any use other than that stipulated in these terms and conditions. Contravening the above shall mean an infringement of Boreal Artik’s copyright and other property rights. Modification and use of the content for purposes other than those permitted here is an infringement of Boreal Artik’s copyright and other property rights. For the purposes of the present terms and conditions of use, use of the content referred to here on any other website or computer network is prohibited.


Aside from the user’s personal consumption of electronic communication, there is no charge for using this Website, that is, we do not sell our products directly through this medium and use of the Website is intended to be fun and participative.


The present terms and conditions of use shall be valid insofar as they remain unchanged on the website. Boreal Artik reserves the right to alter, modify or eliminate them at any time and those changes shall appear on the Website itself.


Boreal Artik has done its best to ensure the quality of the present Website and its content and expressly guarantees user participation in the information and services it offers. Nevertheless, given the characteristics of the Internet itself Boreal Artik does not guarantee the content on the Website or the availability or continuity of operation of this Website, the repair of breakdowns or absence in this Website or its server of viruses or other harmful components for the system, without prejudice to our constant efforts to avoid any contingency in this regard. Boreal Artik cannot be held liable for use of the


As a consequence of the above condition and due to the particular features of the Internet itself, Boreal Artik shall not be held liable under any circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, for any type of damage or detriment that may be due to use of or inability to use the materials on this Website, including cases in which Boreal Artik or any of Boreal Artik’s authorised representatives have been notified beforehand of the possibility of such damage. Boreal Artik’s liability to users for the entirety of any damage and detrimental consequences, including but not limited to negligence, loss and claims, shall not exceed in any case the amount paid by the user to access this Website.


Boreal Artik has no control over who accesses its Website or where they are based. Users of this Website and Boreal Artik, expressly waive any jurisdiction to which they may be entitled and submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Laredo in the event of any dispute or claim in relation to this Website.


The main aim of the Website borealartik.com is to provide information on Boreal Artik’s products, services and activities. 
Boreal Artik assumes the legal obligations on personal data protection, especially in reference to:
1. The existence of a database or processing of personal data..
2. The purpose of data collection.
3. The recipients of the information.
4. The optional or obligatory nature of the questions we ask.
5. The consequences of obtaining the data or the refusal to supply them.
6. The possibility of exercising the rights to access, rectify, cancel and object.

7. The identity and address of the data controller or, as appropriate, its representative.

Boreal Artik wants users to have appropriate information for deciding expressly, freely and voluntarily whether they want to provide their data as requested. Users are hereby notified that their data will be included in a computerised database owned and managed by Boreal Artik, with an address at Pol. Ind. la Pesquera, 6-7, 39770 Laredo (Cantabria) Spain; data will be processed automatically for the following purposes: 

1. To provide information on products and services
2 To obtain statistical information on user access. 

Unless otherwise indicated, the data collected in forms are necessary and obligatory for accessing and participating in Website activities and the section of the Website concerned. BOREAL ARTIK cannot register anyone who does not provide obligatory data.
Users must complete forms with true, accurate and complete details, and shall be held liable for any damage caused in the case of defective completion with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date details.
Boreal Artik is committed to adopting the levels of security for personal data protection required in the current legislation, installing the technical and organisational measures required to prevent loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorised access and all other risks.
As regards the use of Cookies, Boreal Artik hereby notifies users that when they navigate the different screens and pages on this Website cookies are used for the purpose of recognising registered users and offering a personalised service, in addition to providing information on the date and time of the visit, measuring certain traffic parameters within the Website itself and estimating the number of visits so that Boreal Artik can focus and adjust the services it offers in the most effective way. The cookies used are stored on the user’s hard disc but the data on the hard disc cannot be read nor can the cookie files created by other providers be read. The cookies used are not invasive or harmful and can be deactivated using the option that appears on the browser.


By using this Website, we assume users have read this document carefully and have understood and followed its recommendations. Users who do not agree with this data protection policy and the recommendations herein should not use our Website. We reserve the right to change the present terms and conditions of use as we deem necessary. Users who continue to use this Website and other Boreal Artik websites after said changes have been introduced shall be deemed to have accepted them fully.


Pursuant to Spain’s Organic Law 15/99 of 13 December on Personal Data Protection, you are hereby notified that the personal data you provide will be included in Boreal Artik’s database for the purpose of sending commercial information. The data you provide will not be assigned to third parties. You are entitled to rectify and/or cancel your data. To do so, simply ask us to cancel or rectify your data by calling: 942 47 00 87.